Monday, July 31, 2006

no catchy title.

people in other countries like to help the poor immigrants fleeing poverty or hostile situations in their homelands. but here in the u.s. we like to arrest them throw them into jail then kick their brown asses back where they came from. because..well...they dont have any money so theyre obviously of little use to us. its ironic that our christ worshiping politicians refuse to apply the golden rule to the destitute. i think our government needs to take an ethics and humanities course and learn how to treat people.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

this just in...

christian everything sucks. but at least theres one less bible thumpin radio station on the air. for those of you offended by this just remember....its all part of gods plan. he wants you to jerk off on the commute home.

Monday, July 24, 2006

i say hey man nice shot.

i really love hearing stories like this. its funny how people view it as a tragedy rather than entertainment. he got what he deserved.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

choke on this

holy shit did you see that ride by floyd landis today? few athletes manage to cram shit down the throats of their detractors the way landis did today. if youre following the tour de france the way you should be then you would have seen floyd crack yesterday and lose a whopping 8 minutes to the race leader oscar pereiro. the hundreds of reporters covering the tdf pretty much wrote landis off yesterday saying he was definitely out of contention for the maillot jaune. today he made a tremendously gutsy attack with 130 km left to go in the stage and completely destroyed the peleton winning by 5:42 ahead of the second place finisher. hes now in third place overall only 30 seconds behind first. im guessing he will be in yellow by the end of saturdays time trial. meanwhile im trying to figure out how he managed to haul his giant balls up and over the alps. this is definitely the most exciting tour in the last 6 years.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i wish i would have known

i started out having what i thought was a bad day. this morning while biking to work some asshole apparently thought i looked like a great target for their bumper and tacoed my wheel as they made their way through the intersection. i use the ambiguous pronoun they because i have no idea who or what they were since they had better things to do then to stop and see how i managed to escape unscathed even as my bike was being mangled beneath me. i just built that wheel myself at the start of the season and now ive got to throw it away when i get home you fucking dick. but like i said i considered my day to be bad until i read the news about jordan amber gonsioroski.
now ive got something to really be upset about. she was only 2 years older than my daughter and looking at her photo i cant fathom how someone could do such things. hearing stories like this makes me want to become a child protection worker. the problem is i would surely end up in prison my first day. i couldnt visit the home of an abuser like this without...well... my imagination really runs wild from here.
looking at jordans picture i keep thinking that i surely loved her more than her own parents even though i never met her.

if you ever suspect abuse please dont be afraid to speak up. kids in these situations could really use your help.

Friday, July 07, 2006

checka checka check it out

it bugs me when people say something stupid like "you got your facts wrong". bullshit. if something is wrong then its not a fact its just an incorrect statement. a fact can never be wrong just like a car can never be an ocean and thats a fact. the next time you hear someone say a fact is wrong poke them in the eyes for me.