Friday, April 28, 2006

reindeer gone wild!!!!

in case my former post about dumbass dennis prager didnt convince you of his lack of brain cells this one has to do it. when speaking of the current gas prices and dependency on foreign oil he started talking about drilling in alaska. his argument was of course that it is a good thing and that it wouldnt affect any wildlife. his whole basis for forming this opnion? he said that the caribou love the alaskan pipeline so much that whenever a herd sees it they proceed to have an orgy. yeah.....thats a no brainer. duh.... oil makes caribou so horny that they throw their inhibitions to the wind and engage in a reindeer raunch fest. now i dont think he realises that caribou herds are mostly female. the males are solitary and come around when its time to breed. so it stands to reason that these supposed orgies are primarily lesbian free-for-alls. so is he actually endorsing homosexual behavior as a good thing? hhmmmmm..... ive argued wih him on air and distinctly remember him telling me differently.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

c' mmon baby its apeeling....

there seems to be no end to religious nutsacks and their absurd arguments for the proof of whatever goofball god/s they choose to believe in. check this jerk out.


i do believe i have used the same arguments to get a girl to touch my penis. does that make me a theogin?.....well maybe just a pervert.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

something for your ipod


holy fucktard

i am currently listening to right wing asswipe dennis prager. no im not a masochist i listen for entertainment value. i need something to shake up my work day so i listen to laura ingraham, dennis prager and michael medved while sitting at my desk. todays topic on the dennis prager show is his views on breast feeding. this biological defect thinks that there is a left wing conspiracy to force women to breastfeed their babies. of course this was the topic at the last liberal convention i attended but how he found out i can only guess. he also says that if a womans husband thinks that his wifes breasts will sag after she breastfeeds then his sexual desire should always be put ahead of the infants need for breastmilk, health and happiness. this massive moron also claims that his entire generation was bottle fed. uuuummmmmmmmmm yyyyeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. that makes sense. that is completely believeable. he must have polled every one of them. i guess my both of my grandmas were yankin my chain about breastfeeding all ten of their kids who are in his generation. he also goes on to say that the health benefits and bonding between a mother and child as a result of breastfeeding are "wildily exaggerated and enter the realm of religious belief." well goddamn. i did not know that. i dont think he realizes what that says about his relegious beliefs. now here is the kicker. there are women calling into the show who agree with him! one shitforbrains woman from minnesota called in and said how much more expensive it was for her to breastfeed so she started buying formula. (i really hope she doesnt have a financial planner giving her that advice.) now i distinctly remember the milk flowing from the breasts of my daughters mom being free. i never had to pay anything to anyone for it. and it lasted for a year and a half. according to what i could find by googling, it costs about $1,300 a year to buy formula. i guess my understanding of math is different from hers.
and he claims that conservatives are logical.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

lance smokes camels

i just wandered away from my desk for a stroll outside and passed by the usual cancer chasers sucking down their cigarettes outside my building. but one dumbass caught my attention because as he took a drag i noticed that not six inches from his carcinegous treat was a livestrong bracelet. nothing quite like sporting irony like its cool.